On December 9th, 2024 Flight Tactics launched the next generation iOS TAK Application called TAK Aware. Built on top to the Open Source SwiftTAK library and standing on the shoulders of TAK Tracker, it’s designed to be an easy to use app for staying up-to-date with a TAK Server.
One of the design goals of TAK Aware was to capture the modern design of iOS while reducing the cognitive and training load for organizations using ATAK. As such, it follows many of the ATAK patterns, including a menu bar across the top, interactivity directly from the icons, and deconfliction screens in addition to standard support of things like certificate enrollment, channels, custom iconsets, etc.

TAK Aware version 1.1 is now available on the Apple App Store and you can download the user guide here. You can also report issues or bugs on the GitHub Issues page.